Book Covers

If you are looking for eco corporate gifts that are made in South Africa, then our book covers made from billboards will be  a great choice. There is a choice of recycled billboard book covers that are covered in hessian and trimmed with shweshwe or covered just in shweshwe or other African fabrics. These are still considered eco corporate gifts as we use the billboards inside, we call this a hybrid product. For an even more eco friendly option the book covers can be made from used recycled billboards only. They are all made in South Africa. Eco corporate gifts are not only the right thing to do, they also make good green business sense these days. Made in South Africa and being eco supports sustainability. The book covers can be branded with a full colour PVC label sewn on in your preferred position. They come in A4 and A5 and there are different shweshwe colours and fabrics to choose from.

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