Thank you for designing bags especially for us.

Thank you for designing bags especially for us.

The delegate bags that E’yako Green made for the 10th International Forum on Elite Sport were beautiful! Both the international and the local delegates loved them... Thank you for your professional and exceptional service. Thank you for designing the bags especially for us, for adding 180 bags to the order so seamlessly and for delivering all the bags on time – truly remarkable.

Toni Goodenough - Forum Secretariat - 10th ASPC International Forum on Elite Sport

Eko Earth Range

Toni Goodenough - Forum Secretariat - 10th ASPC International Forum on Elite Sport

The delegate bags that E’yako Green made for the 10th International Forum on Elite Sport were beautiful! Both the international and the local delegates loved them... Thank you for your professional and exceptional service. Thank you for designing the bags especially for us, for adding 180 bags to the order so seamlessly and for delivering all the bags on time – truly remarkable.